
This data visualization component is inspired directly by the hexmap layer of (

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Given X/Y input data in a JSON or image file, it bins the data into a hexagonal grid and renders it as a BufferGeometry. Tiles can be scaled by height, area and/or color.

This component uses a BufferGeometry under the hood. This is good for performance, but it is hard to update individual cells (to do this you must manipulate individual verticies). So it is intended to create a fixed mesh, not really meant for games.

It is based on the von-grid hex map library and totally indebted to Amit’s expanation about hex grids.


Attribute Description Default
src Image or JSON file containing input data  
scaleArea Scale tile sizes proportional to value? false
scaleHeight Scale tile height proportional to their value? true
scaleOpacity Scale tile opacity proportional to their value? true
invertElevation Normally we treat white=ground and black=peaks. Set this to True to flip that false
palette A predefined palette or palette as JSON string redblue
flipPalette Reverse the palette directions? false
width Width of map, in AFRAME units. 1
wireframeOn Display wireframe overlay? false
wireframeColor Color of wireframe #fff
wireframeOnly Display only wireframe? false
NODATA_VALUE Cells with this value will not be rendered -999
tileScale How much of each hex grid should be occupied by the rendered tile? 0.7
showZerovalCells Render cells with value=0? false
hexDensity Density of hex grid relative to input data. Using higher values, up to 1, will create more hexagons. 0.3
hexDensityMobile On mobile devices this value will be used instead of hexDensity 0.1
shading Material shading model: “flat” or “smooth” flat
emissive Emissive color. Used for material #000000
emissiveIntensity Control brightness of the material 0.2
metalness Control material appearance. 0.2
rougness Control material rougness 0.5
shininess Control material shininess 30
specular Control material specular color #111111
blending THREE.js blending mode, as string THREE.NormalBlending
opacity Opacity of the object (only takes effect if scaleOpacity is false, or using a custom material) 0.75
loadingAnimDur Loading animation duration (0 to disable) 3500
loadingAnimDelay Delay before playing first loading animation. Subsequent loading anims have 0 delay. 0
unloadingAnimDur Unloading animation duration (0 to disable) 500

Color Palettes

There are a few built-in palettes: greypurple, aquablues, reds, redblue, RdYlBu, grass, winter, greens, autumn, hot, viridis, plasma, parula, and cool. These are taken from ColorBrewer. See for example of converting MATLAB colormaps to JSON. You can also specify a palette as a JSON array, as shown in the example.

See [aframe-hexgraph-hexmap example](( to see the palette options in action.


To animate the height you can simply adjust the Y value of the entity’s scale, like this: document.querySelector('[aframe-hexgraph-hexmap]').setAttribute('scale', [1, newHeight, 1].join(" ")). You can also adjust the opacity of the geometry similarly: document.querySelector('[aframe-hexgraph-hexmap]').setAttribute('aframe-hexgraph-hexmap', {opacity: newValue})

Input data

As an image: provide an image URL or aframe asset tag (like “#myImg”) as the src. The value will be read from the Red pixel, but greyscale images work fine too (and compress better).

As JSON: provide a URL or aframe asset tag pointing to a .json file. The file should contain only a two-dimensional numeric array as shown in the example .json file. For example the matrix:

1 2 3 
4 5 6
7 8 9

becomes in JSON:

[[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]

Image files have the advantage of offering great built-in compression. Try providing your data as a lower-quaity JPEG and compare the file size against the corresponding JSON file.

Adjust the hexDensity as needed to make it look nice.


This component requires D3 and the von-grid hex grid library.

	<script src="//"></script>
	<script src=""></script>
	<script src=""></script>